WELCOME to the Retriever Daily Report of the 2010 National Open Field Trial, November 14-20, brought to you by the National Retriever Club and written by Tina Ebner and Gwen Jones. We hope you enjoy these daily updates on the National Open, held this year in Vicksburg, Mississippi.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Brought to you by Ainley Kennels
Sixth Series Land Quad with Three Retired
The 6th series will be a quad with 2 flyers. The flyers will be a rooster pheasant and a hen duck. The dead bird stations will be 2 hen pheasants. Test dogs will start the 6th series at 6:40 am.
Last night a front came through with a very loud thunderstorm at around 11 pm or so. It poured with rain and many loud claps of thunder were to be heard by this reporter. While in the hotel breakfast room, I asked many people what they thought of the storm. Their consistent reply was "What storm...when?" So many people have been working so hard that they slept right through it! The extra amount of rain we got will certainly not improve the muddy conditions we experience every day on the Lampkin property.
Test #6 is a land quad with two flyers and three retired guns. The line is located at the top end of a long draw. Rolling hills cover the sides and all Angle towards the bottom.Standing on the line, the left hand bird is 230 yards from the line at the bottom of the draw. This is a dead hen pheasant thrown to the left between two ridges. This bird is thrown third and is retired. The middle left bird, at the far end of the draw on the top of the hill is a retired station at 320 yards. This station throws a dead hen pheasant and retires. This is the first bird shot. The third station, the middle right flyer, a rooster pheasant is shot to the right at 260 yards and then the gunners retire. This is the second bird thrown. To the far right of the line at 200 yards, the right-hand flyer station shooting a duck to the left. The gunners for this flyer go-bird remain visible.
The handlers view the test as the sun rises behind them. |
The Judges watch the test dog intently. |
Gwen Jones, our fearless reporter describes the test. |
Bobby Smith and Pride tackle the quad first. |
Mark Medford waits patiently in the blind...
He was heard to joke that he would like to do this test as singles and would be off to the Derby soon!
Test Dog, Mollie "aced" it with a quick handle. |
David Carrington of Avery, Dennis Bath and John Parrott. |
Bobby Smith came to the line with Pride. The test proved difficult for Bobby, handling on three of the four birds. Mark Medford was our next test dog with Mollie. He had three clean birds and a quick handle on the short retired.
The Judge's tent is outlined in the long shadows of the morning as Mollie retrieves the duck flyer. |
Mitch Patterson consults with the Judges. |
The handlers are having the utmost difficulty with the rooster flyer. They're going to the left and down the hill, some having deep hunts almost back to the middle-left retired. We have run through dog #78 and we are currently re-birding and will begin with dog #64 which originally was a no-bird, and now unfortunately has been picked-up. The test takes somewhere in the range 10-13 minutes per dog.
Milton Jones watches intently. |
The dog trucks parked at the bottom of the hill and the gallery had to climb it for a good vantage point. |
Jeff Schuett and Lydia Fekula meet up with Ray Voigt
after Weezer finished running as the first dog of the morning. |
Vickie Lamb consults with Jerry Patopea.
A hearty THANK YOU! to Jane and Jerry Patopea for the use of their equipment
during our periods of bad reception...which is all the time since we're on Verizon. |
"MUD CITY" Unfortunately Danny and Lisa Farmer and Al Arthur let the mud get the better of them.
The track to the test is very dicey! |
Wardrobe Quiz of the Day: Who does this hat belong to?
(Clue: See earlier comments above.) |
The day came to an end at 4:04 p.m. when the last dog returned with the birds. It has been challenging and exhausting for the dogs and handlers in a VERY tough test. The nick name " Death Valley" stuck. There have been 20 dogs dropped in this 6th series.
DOGS CALLED BACK to the 7th series; 1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27, 36, 39, 45, 47, 49, 52, 54, 56, 57, 61, 66, 69, 72, 75, 77, 86, 88, 91
DOGS LOST; 13, 15, 16, 18, 22, 29, 32, 46, 51, 58, 60, 62, 64, 78, 82, 83, 89, 90, 96, 97
NOTE: Tomorrow's test will be a water blind, test dog at 6:40 am and the first running dog will be at 7:00 am. The test will be located in the same area as the Sixth Series.
1. FC Mak's Convince Me Connie MH, LF
2. FC-AFC Close-Hauled To Windward, LM
3. FC-AFC Talkeetna River Teak MH, LM
4. FC Trumarc's Brother Bob, LM
5. FC-AFC Candlewood Justin Time Xinga, LF
6. FC Merlyn IV, LM
7. FC Dominator's Autumn Creek Gamble, LF
8. FC Adams Acres Water Lilly, LF
9. FC Seaside's Get The Party Started, LF
10. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Adams Acres Muddy Creek, LM
11. FC Cosmo's Cookie Cutter, LF
12. FC Lil Bits Cote D'Or Pinot Noir, LM
13. FC DoubleDuce, LM
14. FC Hardscrabbles Captain Morgan, LF
15. FC-AFC Wolf Creek CR Skeeter, LM
16. FC-AFC Volwood's Angel, LF
17. FC-AFC Watuag's Bull Gator, LM
18. FC Waterdog's Sweet Peaches, LF
19. FC-AFC Bayou-Star Beyond Independent, LF
20. FC-AFC Dixie City Jam II, LM
21. NFC Two Rivers Lucky Willie, LM
22. FC A Shadow Of Abe, LM
23. FC-AFC Hunter Runs BooBoo, LM
24. FC Aksarben's Prince, LM
25. FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble, LM
26. FC Pike Of Castlebay, LM
27. FC-AFC Trumarc's Whistling Bird, LF
28. FC Sanpitch River Shore Thing, LM
29. FC Wing Magic's Standpipe Moon, LF
30. FC-AFC Shooter's Sugar Cookie, LF
31. FC-AFC Pure Labs Skys The Limit, LM
32. FC Fresh Squeezed Juice, LM
33. Firemark Rackem And Stackem Casey, GM
34. FC-AFC Sureshot's TKO, LM
35. FC The Bear XVII, LM
36. FC Premier's Iron Man Ozzy, LM
37. AFC Glen Lake Black Kirsty MH, LF
38. FC-AFC Volwood's Big Ol' Rex, LM
39. FC-AFC Small Craft Advisory, LM
40. FC CK's Blue Velvet, LM
41. FC-AFC Land Ahoy, LM
42. FC-AFC Dominators Duke Of Turrell, LM
43. AFC Bo Ford's Full Bird Colonel, LM
44. FC-AFC Turkey Creek's Misery, LF
45. FC Seaside's Pelican Pete, LM
46. FC Carolina's Acoustic Storm, LF
47. FC Honky Tonk Take It Easy, LM
48. FC-AFC Fat City Pacer, LM
49. FC Counterpoint's Sidekick, LM
50. NAFC-FC Fourleaf's Ice Breaker, LM
51. FC-AFC Wood River's Franchise, LM
52. FC-AFC Weezer Retreezer, LM
53. FC Wingover's Pedro II, LM
54. FC-AFC Implied Consent, LM
55. AFC Hoot N Holler, LM
56. NAFTCH-FTCH-AFTCH Flatlands Sledgehammer, LM
57. FC SML Stella's Got Her Groove, LF
58. FC-AFC Candlewood Goldendaze Louie, LM
59. FC Hyflyer's Ramblin Rebel, LM
60. FC Candlewood's Man In Black, LM
61. AFC World Famous Rosa Barks, LF
62. FC-AFC-CNFC-CAFC Taylorlab Calumet's Big Blue, LM
63. FC Hawkeye's Sea Wolf, LM
64. FC-AFC Marsh Prairie Quick Pick, LM
65. FC Low Country Drake, LM
66. FC Shadow's Whiteshoes, LM
67. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Miah, LF
68. NFC Mioaks Fabulous Flipper, LF
69. FC-AFC Delpond's Pink Champagne, LF
70. Watermark's Mister Candlewood, LM
71. FC Two Step's No Ninety-Nine, LM
72. FC-AFC Great Bunns Of Fire, LF
73. FC Hilltop's High Society, LF
74. Trumarc's Mickey Mantle, LF
75. AFC Waquoit Bay's Lone Arranger, LM 76. FC-AFC Ebonstar Gotta Zoom, LM
77. FC Wood River's Duck Tucker, LM
78. FC-AFC My Name Is Bocephus, LM
79. FC-AFC Cody Cut A Lean Grade, LM
80. FC World Famous Magical Mischief, LM
81. FC Candlewoods HiRoller RealDeal, LM
82. FC-CFC LKY's Controlled Burn, LM
83. FC-AFC Mercy Mercy Mercy Me, LF
84. FC-AFC Atlasta Winner, LF
85. FC-AFC Two Step's Tomboy, LF
86. FC Tip From A Gypsy, LF
87. FC Pinehurst's All That Jazz, LF
88. FC-AFC Hardscrabbles Powder My Buns, LM
89. AFC KPR's Wet Willie, LM
90. FC-AFC Joey's Zoom Zoom, LM
91. FC Dashwoods Second Chance, LM
92. FC Nebo's Gem Robber, LM
93. FC Bayou Teche Tex, LM
94. FC-AFC Coolwaters Hurricane Alley, LF
95. Glen Lake F4D Phantom MH, LF
96. FC-AFC Widgeon's Carbon Chip, LM
97. FC Jaybar's Tupperware, LM
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