WELCOME to the Retriever Daily Report of the 2010 National Open Field Trial, November 14-20, brought to you by the National Retriever Club and written by Tina Ebner and Gwen Jones. We hope you enjoy these daily updates on the National Open, held this year in Vicksburg, Mississippi.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
We have all made our way to Mississippi for the first day of the 2010 Nationals. There are cars and dog trucks from all across the country. Starting at 9 a.m., the Merchandise Committee opened their doors. They were well staffed with the hostess and sales have been brisk all day. Brenda Little was set up in the lobby of the hotel with all of the Luck Lab pins, her lanyards etc. Molly Schlachter had a table set up with pictures from the previous Nationals and all of the information to have shots taken for 2010. She announced that this year, EVERY dog will have an action shot taken along with the normal photo with the handler. Suzanne Medford and Tal Broyles have done a beautiful job with the hostess committee. The Purina bags were stuffed and ready to go as each handler checked in. Across from Molly, the Retriever News had a table stocked with the new Callback directories, Judges Manuals, copies of the latest issues of the News and binders that will hold the slick new version of the magazine.
Lee Jolley and Tom Vaughn take a moment to relax before the meeting.
Brenda Little from Lucky Labs and Patti Kiernan. |
Molly Schlachter, Official Photographer |
Gwen Jones, Retriever News Online Reporter |
Retriver Advisory Committee Meeting
This afternoon the first meeting was brought to order at 2:10 p.m. The Rules Committee announced that the three proposals for the past year passed.
1. Prohibit the destruction of birds.
2. Full refund for contestants when there is a judges change after the premium has been printed.
3. Canadian Championship dogs cannot run the Qualifying in the States.
Kate Simonds, RAC |
There was discussion about the use of ATV's in planting a blind and retiring the blind planter or retiring the bird thrower.. There were several other questions concerning the legality of the distance a blind planter or a gunner could move and the tracks that ATV's leave for a dog to follow. Bill Totten talked in behalf of the PRTA. He was discussing the applications for grants. He reminded the audience that the PRTA has grants that they give to Field Trial Clubs who own their own land and want money for grounds improvements. He stated that the clubs who would like to apply for these grants should go to the on line web site for the PRTA grant application. The site is currently down but will be back up soon.
NRC President, Lee Jolley |
The NRC Board, L to R: Gary Ahlgren, Jim Cope, Craig Stonesifer, Joe Broyles, Mitch Patterson and Loren Morehouse |
General Meeting Lee Jolley brought the general meeting to order at 3 p.m. After a brief moment of silence for Field Trialers and Field Trial Dogs that we have lost this past ( passed!) year, the landowners for this years event were honored. Ronnie and Randy Lampkin have been active in making their property ready for the event. This included putting out bales of hay, mowing and cleaning out ponds that they do not even use. A standing ovation was given by all in attendance. After the sponsors were given plaques and the contributors acknowledged Mitch Patterson gave the secretary treasurer report. It was announced that the 2011 stake will be held in Oakdale California. The judges were announced for the 2011 event. They will be John Goettl, Ed Haskins and Lee Jolley.
The 2010 Judges L to R: Chester Koeth, Martha Russell and Larry Calvert. |
Dennis Bath drew the starting number from a Purina bag.
The starting numbers were on actual chips from the casino. #39 Gary Unger will start. The Rotation will be:
1st and 2nd series combo #39
3rd series #63
4th series #87
5th series # 14
The test dogs for this years National will be Bobby Smith with AFC Twinbranch Pilgrim Pride, male lab and Mark Medford will run AFC Tequilla's Hot Tamale, lab female. The first test dog is to run tomorrow morning starting at 6:40 a.m. and the first running dog at 7 a.m. There are two scratches, #5 and #79. There will be more later, we are late for the cocktail party!!!
Ray Voigt, Alex Washburn and guest and Mike Lardy. |
Jay Du Four, Gwen Jones, Teena Ritter and Lo Dirmeyer. |
Can you guess who this bow tie belongs to?
The cocktail party was a huge success. Suzanne Medford and Tal Broyles had taken their hostess committee jobs to a new level. The buffet was outstanding. There were 2 ends with ample food for everyone. The contestants, owners and workers all put on their best clothes and made a lot of pictures as they enjoyed food, drinks and a raffle. During the raffle, there were TriTronics collars, Dogtra collars, bird crates and other dog related items raffled off. What fun it was!! It was an early close since most have to leave the parking lot by 5:45 a.m. the workers will be leaving around 4:30 a.m. Good night to you and Good luck to everyone tomorrow!!
1. FC Mak's Convince Me Connie MH, LF
2. FC-AFC Close-Hauled To Windward, LM
3. FC-AFC Talkeetna River Teak MH, LM
4. FC Trumarc's Brother Bob, LM
5. FC-AFC Candlewood Justin Time Xinga, LF
6. FC Merlyn IV, LM
7. FC Dominator's Autumn Creek Gamble, LF
8. FC Adams Acres Water Lilly, LF
9. FC Seaside's Get The Party Started, LF
10. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Adams Acres Muddy Creek, LM
11. FC Cosmo's Cookie Cutter, LF
12. FC Lil Bits Cote D'Or Pinot Noir, LM
13. FC DoubleDuce, LM
14. FC Hardscrabbles Captain Morgan, LF
15. FC-AFC Wolf Creek CR Skeeter, LM
16. FC-AFC Volwood's Angel, LF
17. FC-AFC Watuag's Bull Gator, LM
18. FC Waterdog's Sweet Peaches, LF
19. FC-AFC Bayou-Star Beyond Independent, LF
20. FC-AFC Dixie City Jam II, LM
21. NFC Two Rivers Lucky Willie, LM
22. FC A Shadow Of Abe, LM
23. FC-AFC Hunter Runs BooBoo, LM
24. FC Aksarben's Prince, LM
25. FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble, LM
26. FC Pike Of Castlebay, LM
27. FC-AFC Trumarc's Whistling Bird, LF
28. FC Sanpitch River Shore Thing, LM
29. FC Wing Magic's Standpipe Moon, LF
30. FC-AFC Shooter's Sugar Cookie, LF
31. FC-AFC Pure Labs Skys The Limit, LM
32. FC Fresh Squeezed Juice, LM
33. Firemark Rackem And Stackem Casey, GM
34. FC-AFC Sureshot's TKO, LM
35. FC The Bear XVII, LM
36. FC Premier's Iron Man Ozzy, LM
37. AFC Glen Lake Black Kirsty MH, LF
38. FC-AFC Volwood's Big Ol' Rex, LM
39. FC-AFC Small Craft Advisory, LM
40. FC CK's Blue Velvet, LM
41. FC-AFC Land Ahoy, LM
42. FC-AFC Dominators Duke Of Turrell, LM
43. AFC Bo Ford's Full Bird Colonel, LM
44. FC-AFC Turkey Creek's Misery, LF
45. FC Seaside's Pelican Pete, LM
46. FC Carolina's Acoustic Storm, LF
47. FC Honky Tonk Take It Easy, LM
48. FC-AFC Fat City Pacer, LM
49. FC Counterpoint's Sidekick, LM
50. NAFC-FC Fourleaf's Ice Breaker, LM
51. FC-AFC Wood River's Franchise, LM
52. FC-AFC Weezer Retreezer, LM
53. FC Wingover's Pedro II, LM
54. FC-AFC Implied Consent, LM
55. AFC Hoot N Holler, LM
56. NAFTCH-FTCH-AFTCH Flatlands Sledgehammer, LM
57. FC SML Stella's Got Her Groove, LF
58. FC-AFC Candlewood Goldendaze Louie, LM
59. FC Hyflyer's Ramblin Rebel, LM
60. FC Candlewood's Man In Black, LM
61. AFC World Famous Rosa Barks, LF
62. FC-AFC-CNFC-CAFC Taylorlab Calumet's Big Blue, LM
63. FC Hawkeye's Sea Wolf, LM
64. FC-AFC Marsh Prairie Quick Pick, LM
65. FC Low Country Drake, LM
66. FC Shadow's Whiteshoes, LM
67. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Miah, LF
68. NFC Mioaks Fabulous Flipper, LF
69. FC-AFC Delpond's Pink Champagne, LF
70. Watermark's Mister Candlewood, LM
71. FC Two Step's No Ninety-Nine, LM
72. FC-AFC Great Bunns Of Fire, LF
73. FC Hilltop's High Society, LF
74. Trumarc's Mickey Mantle, LF
75. AFC Waquoit Bay's Lone Arranger, LM 76. FC-AFC Ebonstar Gotta Zoom, LM
77. FC Wood River's Duck Tucker, LM
78. FC-AFC My Name Is Bocephus, LM
79. FC-AFC Cody Cut A Lean Grade, LM
80. FC World Famous Magical Mischief, LM
81. FC Candlewoods HiRoller RealDeal, LM
82. FC-CFC LKY's Controlled Burn, LM
83. FC-AFC Mercy Mercy Mercy Me, LF
84. FC-AFC Atlasta Winner, LF
85. FC-AFC Two Step's Tomboy, LF
86. FC Tip From A Gypsy, LF
87. FC Pinehurst's All That Jazz, LF
88. FC-AFC Hardscrabbles Powder My Buns, LM
89. AFC KPR's Wet Willie, LM
90. FC-AFC Joey's Zoom Zoom, LM
91. FC Dashwoods Second Chance, LM
92. FC Nebo's Gem Robber, LM
93. FC Bayou Teche Tex, LM
94. FC-AFC Coolwaters Hurricane Alley, LF
95. Glen Lake F4D Phantom MH, LF
96. FC-AFC Widgeon's Carbon Chip, LM
97. FC Jaybar's Tupperware, LM
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